Sabtu, 15 September 2012
Perfect World Debug 1.4.4 Adalah Sebuah Console

Masuk ke folder Perfect World Offline mu

Buatlah file .txt nama terserah

Tuliskan  ini

elementclient.exe game:cpw console:1


Kemudian Ubahlah FIle itu menjadi .bat


Login ID Mu

Tekan Shift sama ~

Nanti ada Sebuah Console Muncul

Untuk menggunakan Console membutuhkan sebuah Command

Command nya di Bawah ini:

// ========== Debug commands ==========
"d_cameramode" Same thing as (F9) but without the Screenshot window.
"d_boundbox" Some wire boxes on ingame objects.
"d_rtdebug"    Something with .NET Protocol ?
"d_npcid" Show Dynamic NPC's ID in the order they were spawned.
"d_runspeed" Seems to be useless or not working.
"d_goto" Move to X, Y coords. Use "d_showpos" to help you.
"d_fly" Seems to be useless or not working.
"d_c2scmd" Maybe for sending some command to server? But wich commands?
"d_viewradius" Sight of your camera.
"d_relogin" Return to character selection screen.
"d_skill" Seems to be useless or not working.
"d_render_water" Show/Hide Water
"d_render_grass" Show/Hide Grasses
"d_render_forest"    Show/Hide Trees
"d_render_shadow"    Show/Hide Shadow
"d_render_outline" Show/Hide Outline
"d_turnaround" Seems to be useless or not working.
"d_testdist" Show the distance between your character and the cursor.
"d_gfx" Seems to be useless or not working.
"d_showpos"    Show/Hide the coords for every NPC, MOB, PLAYER (and you).
"d_trnlayer" Seems to be useless or not working.
"d_a3dstat"    Show/Hide 3D game informations.
"d_gamestat" Show/Hide computer and game ressources.
"d_treelod" Change the render of the trees.
"d_fps" Show/Hide FPS in the right upper corner of the screen.
"d_playerradius" Seems to be useless or not working.
"d_showid" Show/Hide character's ID instead of their name.
"d_skipframe" Seems to be useless or not working.           
"d_modelupdate" Seems to be useless or not working.
"d_minidump" Write dumpe, close the game and show the Report Bug window.
"d_settimeofday" Change ingame time (client side only). Format: 10,00 (mean 10AM).
"d_getservertime" Show the server date and time.
"d_task" Seems to be useless or not working.
"d_mipmapbias" Changer render of mipmap/pixel.
"d_trncull"    Seems to be useless or not working.
"d_gscmd" Maybe for make some changes on GS(gamed)?
"d_delcmd" Delete command?
"d_title" Seems to be useless or not working.
"d_namepos" Seems to be useless or not working.

// ========== GM commands ==========
(Useless, it just open the GM Console)


G mengatakan...

Gan minta pencerahan dong tentang cara buat pw privat server sendiri... please

Unknown mengatakan...

latar blognya mrusak mata mengurangi daya baca


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